Why you Need a Vehicle Maintenance Log and 3 Easy Steps To Get One
A Vehicle Maintenance Log is the easiest way to keep up with everything that is needed for maintenance on your vehicle and everything that has been done to it.
In the log you record the correct type of fluids needed, battery, tires and pressures, and filters. This is an immense time saver as there is no need to look up the information every time you go for an oil and filter change or any of the other routine maintenance items.

You can get a free copy of our maintenance log that is already set up for you. There is no need to reinvent the wheel (did you catch the auto humor there). Just click here, scroll down to the bottom of the page, enter your email address and it will be available to download immediately!
This log is easy to use and can be kept in your glovebox for easy access.
Secondly, take a few minutes to fill out what you can. Don’t worry if you don’t know all the information that’s needed, we are here to help you along the way because we know that a log with no information filled in it of no use.
The third step is to keep your log updated. Every time you do anything to your vehicle (add oil, add washer fluid, change wiper blades) enter it in the correct place on the log to track it. It only takes a few minutes to update your maintenance log and that will give you peace of mind knowing that you don’t have to try to keep all the information in your head.
You will also be added to our daily help and tip email that tells you how to locate the information for your vehicle. There are quite a few items to keep track of and not all of them are easy to find. If you do not want to receive further emails from us feel free to click the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of every email. We will still be friends :) and you are welcome to connect with us again at any time.
Our goal is to help you have peace of mind and less to remember!
3 Mistakes with a Maintenance Log
The biggest mistake you can make with a maintenance log is . . not having a maintenance log for your vehicle.
It's impossible to remember when all of the maintenance was done last or if it was even done. (Relying on someone else to remember to take care of it is not always an option either so take control.
There is no reason to fill your brain with all the details of when, what or if something was done on your vehicle. And don't depend on someone else to take care of it either. Their brain might not be any less overloaded than yours or they might not be able to remember at all.
The next biggest mistake you can make is not even bothering to fill out your log!
You print it off, life happens and it doesn’t get done. Then you are looking at the calendar and wondering… “When was the last time I did….to my car” now you feel so frustrated because your brain didn’t hold onto the Information. Just nip that problem in the bud! A few minutes setting this up will give you an immense sense of freedom and confidence when you think about your vehicle.
Finally, if you start off by filling out a portion of the maintenance log but then you don’t keep it updated, well, there's that needless frustration and failure again.
There’s a fix for this that’s really easy! Keep the log in your glovebox and every time you have something done (or even do it yourself) whip out that log and fill in the information right then. This takes less than 5 minutes and you have peace of mind and confidence. Not to mention you have a lot more capacity to focus on other things.
3 Secrets to Keeping a Maintenance Log
Want to know the number one secret about keeping a maintenance log for your car? A maintenance log gives you peace of mind!
Secondly, keeping a log and keeping it updated frees up your brain! There is no more wondering: “When did I check the oil last?” “How long since the tires have been rotated?” “Will the mechanic put the right filter or fluid for my vehicle in?”
There are too many things that like to roll around and nag at our brains. We know it needs to be done so take control and get it done.
And lastly, keeping a log is a visual reminder for service, maintenance and repairs. When your brain starts asking “Do we need to schedule an oil change this week?” You can flip open your log to confirm when it was done the last time and verify if it needs to be scheduled. Keeping a log also helps to ensure that tires are checked and rotated so you can save fuel and have peace of mind knowing that the tires are in good shape too.
The peace of mind when you get into your vehicle and knowing that all of the maintenance is up to date is priceless.
3 Myths About Vehicle Maintenance Logs
Probably the biggest lie that we tell ourselves is, “That’s easy. I’ll remember that!” The truth is that with so much going on in our lives on a daily basis (work, kids, activities, friends, job) it is next to impossible to remember all the things to do, let alone when they were done last.
A log won't make a difference in the value of our vehicle is definitely a myth. Resale value is so important and with a maintenance log it makes it much easier to get top dollar. If you can physically show when work was done many dealerships will give more for a trade in. Showing a record of when/where service was done for the vehicle also shows you are diligent about service. So, if a few minutes to fill it out and maintain a record could get you an extra $1000 on your trade why wouldn’t you do it?
It’s too hard to keep up with it. This is such a lie because once your log is
downloaded and printed it takes less than 20 minutes to fill it out. There is even less time to maintain the log when service is done. Five minutes to fill in what you have had done and when can save you big bucks down the road.
For example; you buy a battery with a 3 year warranty. The battery craps out in 18 months. You have no receipt, purchase date, place of purchase or any other information to help locate the warranty… Now you are out spending $250 on another battery rather than keeping that $250 in the bank. If you keep the warranty information handy in your log then just think of all the other places you could spend that money!
3 Pro Tips for a Vehicle Maintenance Log
Would you believe this? I recently learned that many dealerships are adding to the trade in value if there’s a written record of maintenance and service. If you could get an extra $500 or $1000 on your trade in wouldn’t it be worth the time to keep a log? Add up the time you actually spend entering information in a log and then see how much that extra money comes out to per hour of your time.
It takes less time to download, print and fill out our maintenance log than it will take for you to create one on your own.
A Vehicle Maintenance Log gives you less brain clutter, less stress over your vehicle and confidence that anyone doing the work will not be able to put the wrong fluid or filter in. All that important information is right there in the log you are keeping in your glove box.

Download your free copy of our maintenance log today!